Lead Lined Plywood

Lead Lined Plywood

Panel finish option - Kydex

Panel finish option – Acrovyn Solids
- 1/2" or 3/4" thick Fire Retardant ACX
- Only 1 to 3 business day fabrication
- Available in 17 standard Lead thicknesses
- Lead from 7'0" to 8'0" high
- Includes vertical batten strips
- Also available prefinished with durable custom color laminate faces
- Ray-Bar Lead Backed Plywood is available on 1/2”, 5/8”, and 3/4" ACX Fire-Retardant. All Ray-Bar Lead Lined Plywood uses pure lead sheet meeting Federal Specification QQ-L-201 F, Grade C and ASTM B749-03, Type L51121 factory laminated under pressure to the back side of the plywood panel. It is custom manufactured to customer specifications, available as 12”, 16”, 24” and 48” wide, and is typically available in one day.
- Utilized for structural support and shear in heavy lead shielding requirement applications and flooring shielding.
- Plywood is UL tested for Flame Spread rating for 30 minutes per ASTM E-84 flame spread test
- ICC-ESR-1791 has been issued by the International Code Council, confirming compliance with National, Uniform and Standard building codes.
- ICC-ESR-1791 contains conditions of use and strength adjustments for sheathing, framing and other applications.
- Meets the flame spread requirement of all building codes which is 25 or less, as determined by Underwriters Laboratories in the extended 30 minute duration of ASTM E-84, "Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials."
- Plywood bears the Underwriters Laboratories Classification mark identifying it as being produced under its Classification and Follow Up Services.
ICC-ESR-1791 has been issued by the International Code Council, confirming compliance with National, Uniform and Standard building codes.
ICC-ESR-1791 contains conditions of use and strength adjustments for sheathing, framing and other applications.
This plywood meets the flame spread requirement of all building codes which is 25 or less, as determined by Underwriters Laboratories in the extended 30 minute duration of ASTM E-84, "Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials." Each piece of treated wood bears the Underwriters Laboratories Classification mark identifying it as being produced under its Classification and Follow Up Services.
The treated plywood we utilize in our products is pressure impregnated deep into the wood to provide permanent protection, unlike surface applied coatings, which only provide superficial protection.
When pressure impregnated treated plywood wood is exposed to fire, non-combustible gas and water vapor are produced, and a layer of protective char forms, which hinders combustion and insulates the wood against further damage.
Interior fire-retardant pressure impregnated treated plywood has a low rate of fuel contribution and heat release, and it maintains structural integrity longer than other building materials such as steel.
Please note this is a much higher performance requirement than "Fire Retardant" surface coated products that are only tested for 10 minutes and do not meet code requirements for structural uses.
Click here for the Lead Thickness Chart.
Contact Us to Learn How Ray-Bar Can Provide Lead Lined Plywood for Your Application
For over 80 years, Ray-Bar Engineering has been a leading manufacturer of top-tier radiation shielding solutions for medical, hospital, and industrial NDT facilities worldwide. Our radiation protection shielding products are designed and manufactured with precision to meet the strictest U.S. and international radiation and building safety standards.
Contact us to learn how Ray-Bar's radiation shielding products can provide superior protection in your application. You can also request a quote online for pricing estimates on the lead lined plywood you need. For radiation shielding solutions that meet the highest industry standards, choose Ray-Bar Engineering.